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I feel bad for this piece being released a week into February when it should've been posted last month. But given my IRL schedule, sometimes these things just can't be helped... Oh well. I will likely get the poll for this month's reward up sometime next week, but for now, hopefully I can finish January's reward over the next few days. We'll have to wait and see!

I don't really have a story for this one in my head at the moment - the voted idea was a goth girl getting tickled by a bunch of valley girls, and I tried to adapt it to a fantasy setting, but I have a feeling I might've sacrificed the "valley girl" bit with the ticklers here in the process. Still, the overall idea of the ticklee being mistaken for a witch and interrogated to see if she really is one should be clear enough. I don't think I can really use the character designs here in any future pieces until I revise their designs to look more unique, if I decide to reuse them, but for now just assume this to be a rare one-off piece from me. I'll leave the lore behind it to the viewers' imagination. ;)

The final version of this piece will be posted on Friday, January 11!



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