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This lineart set is admittedly a bit rushed, and I don't think I even cleaned it up properly, but I figured I'd get it out there so you could see it anyway. This month's reward will feature Prince Eric, from Disney's 1989 animated film, The Little Mermaid (somewhat loosely based on the Hans Christen Andersen fairy tale of the same name). I must admit that this handsome lad was actually a pretty big fictional crush of mine back in the day, even though I knew better than to get in the way of the union between him and Ariel, for obvious reasons. Still, Eric is a great character overall and a solid balance for Ariel, and the scenes of him barefooted (particularly that bit where Scuttle the seagull holds Eric's foot to his ear when trying to check for a pulse XD) must've awakened something in me when I first watched scenes of this movie at one of those old Blockbuster stores somewhere literal decades ago (and then the movie in full on rental DVD some years later). I've long fantasized about these two lovebirds indulging in ticklish foot fun in some way or another, with Eric being the one on the receiving end and enjoying it more than he thought he would (and I'm not the only one who's had the latter idea, it seems, since it's hinted at in at least one tickle artwork of him I've seen on DeviantArt). So this month's Patreon reward was the perfect justification for bringing this scenario to life by my own hand, and what better way to do it than the good old-fashioned beach burial? Considering the coastal setting and Ariel being a mermaid-turned-human, there was literally no other option that made sense. ;)

Of course, Eric isn't very detailed compared to some of the other characters I've illustrated, and the scenery I had in mind was much simpler than the elaborate backgrounds I've drawn before, so stopping at just one pic would've been too easy and pretty lazy on my part. So to give this reward the same agency as the previous ones I've done, I've decided to produce four pictures detailing a sequence of ticklish situations for our prince of the hour. From there, a story idea followed, and I've already started writing parts of it and hope to finish it by this week if my job and other real life stuff don't interfere! After that of course it'll be back to commissions and subscriber rewards as per the norm, so again, please do let me know if you owe me something and I forgot about it in the midst of my life dissolving into utter chaos. X'D

The final versions of these illustrations, along with the aforementioned story, will be available on Sunday, May 2!



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