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I wish I had something more special lined up for this! Patreon have officially dubbed this the day for the #ThankYouPatrons hashtag to be plastered all over social media. Corny as that may be, one thing is pretty certain - Patreon has been an absolute godsend to myself as a creator, and without it there's no way on earth that I'd be able to do what I do for a living, which I have done now for 2 and a 1/2 years. For any of the faults that there have been at points, it's a hell of a more stable revenue stream than YouTube has been, and it will continue to be - this has, without a shadow of a doubt, being the most important development for small/niche creators like myself, the one that's opened up so many doors. My life has been pretty good for that 2 and a 1/2 years since I decided to make the plunge and go full-time as a creator, and for the most part it's you guys who I have to thank for that :)

So cheers! I'll be raising a wee glass to you tonight. Have a good one :)

All the love,



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