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We have a lot of fun suggestions this month so choose your fave and the winner will be drawn up later in the month!

Have fun!

Option 1:

Best Yoga Class Ever - At the Gym, one of the jocks is peeping in on a female-only yoga class, getting a good look of their forms. Noticing him, one of the yoga girls sneaks a small spell onto the jock, turning him into a sexy and slim girl who inadvertently joins the yoga class too.

Option 2:

A Treasure Hunter is looking in some old castle ruins for the Treasure of an Dragon who hoarded it there. As he finds the treasure he activates an magical Trap that summons the Spirit of the Dragoness who owns the treasure.  She tells the Hunter that he may get her treasure but he will never get the chance to take it away. The Hunter simply chuckles and says she has no power as ghost, walking through her. The Dragoness angrily enters his body and transforms him into an Anthro version of herself. She takes control over the Body and after that she lays on her treasure and enjoys it highly, having an body once again

Option 3:

The Wrong Genes. Guy finds a pair of his older sister's new jeans while snooping in her room. Puts them on and makes fun of how tight they are in the back. The jeans tighten and shift him into a younger copy of his sister, only with blonde hair instead of his sister's brunette hair. His/her sister ends up walking in at end of transformation, unaware of changes and compliments on the new jeans.

Option 4:

Winter Fun: A winter enthusiast who enjoys snow fills pity to his children or children of the neighbourhood, that they can't enjoy winter in the glorious snowy environment and it's beauty The best compromise: he purchases a snow machine from the web lana inc with a big sales off, orders it, builds it, starts the machine. yet due of the chemical overdose (or whatever it is, how "fake snow" works) the machine "spits" snow onto him and turns into female. And due of chemical substances he has now the power to summit snow and gives the whole city or the neighbourhood a white winter.

Option 5:

Heroic Costume Change:

A shy guy is forced by a bully has to go to a costume party dressed as mirko from my hero academia but after putting it on he started to go to the party and on the way becomes a bigger a bustier version of mirko and gets a massive confidence boost and in the end shows up to the party shocking everyone.

Option 6:

Cursed Drinking Contest  A stuck-up nerd bullies a good-natured jock into a New Year's Eve drinking contest. The Nerd has secretly included cursed vodka to steal the Jock's most positive trait for himself and turn him into the nerd's girlfriend, but in his drunkenness, he unwittingly drinks some of the cursed vodka himself.  By the end of the contest, the Nerd has turned into an amazonian bimbo while the Jock has become a confident, curvaceous scientist - though they still become each other's loving girlfriends

Option 7:

Mystic Massage  A man gets a voucher in the mail for a free massage at new spa that’s the talk of the town. He visits the spa to see an all female staff and clientele. After being reassured it’s okay for him to be there he’s taken back for his massage. The masseuse then begins to shape his body through the massage into a beautiful woman. The massage feels so good that the man either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care about his new gender and eagerly accepts the masseuses’ offer of checking out the spa’s other facilities.

Option 8:

Guy gets dinner ditched by his date, and the waitress gives him a special rain check because of it. Guy uses the rain check and turns into the girl of his ditch date's dreams, makes sure she's properly ditched and humiliated, and the transformed guy and the waitress meet up and the waitress offers to turn the guy back.  "Guy" asks the waitress if she likes how she looks. She does, the two make out and there's a time skip where the two are now a happy couple and talking about marriage.

Option 9:

A short guy is always getting ignored due to his short stature, until he finds a mysterious protein bar called "Eat me" (could be an acronym) And after just a few bytes he finds out excited that he grew a few inches. So he buys a whole lot and eats them, not noticing that he's getting more feminine each byte he takes, until he ends up transforming into a stunningly beautiful, fit and imposing Amazon-like Alice (hence the whole "eat me" reference) now she's never overlooked and always the center of attention.   Extra points if the transformation gets a bit weird with the character stretching quite tall, and transforming unevenly by the point the guy ate a bunch of bars

Option 10:

New years fitness. A chubby guy decides that he is going to get slim for the New Year so we buys a home workout set that comes with a special drink, As he works he begins to sip more and more from the drink and with every sip his body tranforms and by the end of his workout he turned into a sexy muscle girl. I'm think something like Jess from the Private School of Inner Beauty comic.



#8 is so wholesome, I love it!


Quite a few Amazonian choices this time.

Jared K Gonzalez

...Can I just agree to all of them? These are too tough to choose from this time. Like a solid 9 out of 10 for me, how can i decide on one.


Ngl they all sound like amazing comic choices


Yay, my idea made it to the list :3 Shame it's not winning, but well, at least got some votes