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Katie askes Evan does he want to be her child. Evan takes no time to think about it and agrees. She hands Evan the other part of the formula which should fully complete the process.


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So Evan had only drunk 50% of Lola so far?

Ray Dark

Awwww. But does it means Evan will vanish completely after drinking the rest ?


Not at all he'll just fully transform into Lola. You might not have noticed but there was no sequence of his manhood vanishing so it might still be there ;)

Melody Lawrence

Tears of joy are all that's coming out of this trans woman's eyes...

Jacob Barboza

Is it just me, or does Evan/Lola have a bigger chest than Katie? Also, I hope that like earlier when Evan first had dreams with Lola's memories he continues to receive her memories from this without loosing any of him/herself.


Evan will still be Evan but Lola's memories of having Katie as her mother will be added to him. It's basically an addition to Evan as a person. He might even pick up new interests as Lola ^^ The other half of the formula will just give Evan more memories and physically turn him more into Lola.