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Admittedly, this feature should have been added a long time ago, but it wasn't! So now it is! To kick off the posts about features we've added but haven't yet talked about, it's map rating!

Map rating is a plugin for our source servers that allows players to well...rate the maps they're on! There are two ways it works, through commands, and a popup menu that appears when you die, provided you've been on the map for roughly half the game-play time of that map (EX. 30 mins means it'll pop up at 15 mins). And only once! 

Additionally, you can open up this menu at any time using the /maprate and /maprating commands.

It's pretty standard, 1-5 rating that tabulates the numbers together to provide a rough rating.

Using the /maprating command allows you to take a peak at all of the ratings for all of the maps, giving you an idea of what maps are popular and which ones aren't!

This may seem pretty simple, but it is a look into some of the statistical data we've been trying to collect in order to improve player experiences! In the upcoming website update, I will be allow members to view map ratings from the website, change their votes on the fly, and eventually allow for comments.

I've also built a page for myself that lists out the maps and groups them based on the amount of votes they've gotten as well as the ratings themselves. My logic is that a map with a low score but only a few votes may not be bad. But a map with a low score and a ton of votes is probably pretty bad.

Note: Ignore the word tier, this page isn't done yet and I have used the wrong wording! This page will also be available to view at any time in the upcoming website update!


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