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Hey guys, gals, and whatever you identify as! So I owe yall the biggest explanation.
The last 2 weeks of last month, I was in the worst mental health of my life. Thank you SO MUCH to all of ya that were patient with me thru that. It was a very difficult time.
Then, as soon as I was recovering from that, allergy season hit me HARD haha. I ended up with a light fever and massive headaches, but am finally recovering.
Anyways! How this relates to yall! I am very behind on a lot, but will be workin like a freight train to get all caught up asap! Those of you I owe patreon requests to, those will be worked on as soon as I can get thru all this other stuff.
I have the isabelle audio recorded, it just needs to go to an editor. Will be getting on that soon! The raven one is written, just need to record it. Thanks so much for the patience, it has been one of the weirdest months of my life so far haha!



big blessed by you moon, thank you


Glad you're feeling better Moon, take all the time you need to feel better, alright.


Allergies are a killer, glad you're feeling better.

Matthieu Loose

I hope I haven’t been pestery! Sorry!


Sorry you've been going through all that Mooni, but I'm glad you're feeling better! *big huge hugs*