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yo yo yo! If you are all as excited for Helltaker audio month as I am, then you probably want an update, yeah? Here is the game plan!  If all goes according to schedule (which things can be thrown off, so please be patient with me!), these will be the release dates of each audio, along with their titles that are subject to change haha! 

5th- Modeus: Demon Of Lust 

12th- Justice: "Special" Awesome Sauce

19th- Lucifer: Anything For Pancakes

26th- Azazel: Anal Virginity

All of these audios will be viewable once published for everyone in the $3+ tiers ;D

Scripting: 100% done. Recordings: 100% done. Art: 60% done (2 full pieces done). SFX Editing: 10% done (The editor is working on the first audio, hopes to have it to me by tomorrow).  I hope yall are as pumped as I am!!! Enjoy the sneak peaks at the art ;D
Art Credit: DBD Art  (https://twitter.com/DBD_Art) 




Fuk yes


I'm excited for this one. Love that art work too