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Real degenerate hours who up

I haven't drawn tentacles in awhile so decided to doodle up some tentacle cock breeding

what a wild sentence LMAO why am I like this




I'm all down for tentacles in balls but are her balls floating in space or is that a zoom in?


theyre being pulled by a tentacle x) I guess its hard to tell without colors and clean lines LOL


this is nice.

Ell Superguest

Any image involving horsecock oviposition is a great image to me!


This is one of those situations where you can only wonder, *how* the hell did they end up here? XD

Fen Longpaw

Still have yet to disappoint with any notification you've posted on here x3


Yes, love it


OHHHH??? GETTING ideas omg this is amazing


Something something tentacles that have a little needle form and prick/insert growth serum into Bonnies baps, growing out her nips a bit, then proceeding to spiral around them/grope before finally popping inside them and maybe leaving a big mess inside there expanding them out even more. Same thing with her orbs, and def slipping/stretching inside her bepis, knotting it maybe, and spurting some knot sized goo/eggs in there blowing up her balls. I mean oops my finger slipped hah wild

Kinar (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 15:48:30 >;3c eheh I can reply on pc though also.. whats a cat got to do to see what else is on that list :eyes:
2019-08-10 22:46:36 >;3c eheh I can reply on pc though also.. whats a cat got to do to see what else is on that list :eyes:

>;3c eheh I can reply on pc though also.. whats a cat got to do to see what else is on that list :eyes: