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I haven´t been too active due to this. The layers are complete and now I'm starting with the animation process.

Wish me luck guys, cause I think I'm gonna die D:




Find the good tile between each frame for be sure it will be the most smooth possible, yeah it's the animation 's hardest part ^^ trust me buddy I passed by it wor my Toothless and finkshed with more than 250 frame put together X3... But you can do it !!! So do it mean the stream for today is canceled/delayed ?


Do you really animate with 30 fps? That's pretty enthusiastic. I use mostly 12 frames. 24 look better in most cases, but if 12 isn't enough, I can still put 1 frame between each of them. I don't want appear cheeky, but 30 just seems like a lot of work.


Yes. I want to give it a nice look! And well. Let's see what happens!


Yes. I'll try this time with a higher frame rate. In the other animations I did it was about 15 per second. But I think I'll find the way to make it a reality!


Ok after it's done you will see how it worked out and if you should stick to it. But consider that the human eye isn't that competent. It's different with CGI or AI support.