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Well working part time kinda sucks, but we all have to start somewhere, Avery's at the age that she's allowed to be independent now, well, more of less. Why not work at Cub Cafe for the time being? Make friend's your age and be of service to customers your age! You learn baking, pie making and brewing! 4 days a week, not far from school and home and a safe part of town. What a steal!

Naomi, Avery and Lilia from left to right! If you remembered awhile ago I did the sketch of them, decided to clean it up and give it color! Also Lilia the dober is Avery's classmate and girlfriend!

What cha think?




What way do you want to go with that? But I love to see more of All of them!

Jeff The Foxxo

I would like to visit the Cub Cafe 👉👈