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Abandoned by her family as a young nobody in a dune-village, forced to pick from scraps, Eia never had a childhood. Her orphanage sought multiple times to rid of her as a rabbit with black sprouts behind her back. Unknown to them, she came from a bloodline of demi-gods, those who guard the hills and mountains, shrines and fortunes alike. But never has she nor will she know who she was meant to become.

Her village, burnt infront of her eyes, a drifter from years ago, chain and sickle. A roaring torch and the heart between his eyes. Now a member of The Nine Tails, it isn't a surprise she is one of their leaders and have beef with whomever clan burnt down her homes eons ago. Even as a hybrid with a history of hardening, she falls short and serves under Camellia.

Hello! I wanna take this chance to thank yall who has been supporting my ass for a long long time. The posts will dwindle a bit as semester has once again started for me...But ill try to be here for WIPS and all that.



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