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Alright, so, here's what's going to happen.

I'm going to be posting the May rewards (because they're finished, and crazy hot), but come may will be some changes! As such, here's what I'll do:

For May, I'll unpublish the Tickle Technician and Research Associate tiers. This will be to finish this month's requests, which I've been set back on due to events this month. It'll be back up by June, though, so be ready!

Prices will change as follows.

  • Test Subject and Happy Helper will remain the same.
  • Lab Partner will go from $8 to $10.
  • Research Associate will go from $13 to $15.
  • Tickle Technician will go from $20 to 25.

There'll also be some minor changes to the requests:

  • I won't be drawing complex backgrounds! I've been kinda burning myself out on scenes, so I'll be focusing on the action/character.
  • You can choose to save up a month's request in order to get bonuses on the next month: a saved month gets you +1 character, colour on an uncoloured request, more complexity in the scene, etc. You can bank up to 4 months at a time.
  • If you want to request a story or a piece to be drawn traditionally, that's available! A request story will be 500 words for Research Associates and 1,000 for Tickle Technicians, and the 'saved requests' applies here too.

So, as a brief recap, there'll be no May requests to catch up with April's, but that's in order to rework tiers a little! The May pics will go up as normal (exciting if you like beegirls, flower dragons and Princess Peach :3).

If you haven't sent me your req yet, don't forget to, and be ready to suggest June themes! I'm already thinking about June Giants or JuneBugs...



This seems like a very quality way to go about doing it to me! ^^ wish there was a bit better way to properly transition the tiers over, but I'll do my best to keep on the look out come June and jump back onto the appropriate tier as it becomes available >//>; But this seems like a fantastic way to do it to meee! Excited to be able to stock up a few months and get some more interesting images with other characters! :3 (and possibly include some friends too!) Also can totally understand you burning yourself out with the backgrounds ^^; it was REALly cool seeing all the scenes you make but watching 'sketchs' become full on scenes always felt like a bit much XD Still excited to see lovely yet simpler images for these requests though!