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Need to spice up your wardrobe? Take your pick! We've got something for everyone - just look at our, ahem, 'willing' models! Listen to that girl in blue, she's enjoying her endless milking treatment so much: wouldn't that look great on you? Or how about a one-piece swimsuit with fluffy feathers on the inside that tickle, tickle, tickle?

Feeling a little risky...? We have a full-body bunnysuit that leaves you completely covered in ticklish sensations, helpless, with a zippable opening for a partner to fuck...

Oh, just make sure you DO have a partner. Some of them are a little 'restricting', and it'd be unfortunate if you got stuck in that ticklish, tight suit...




Ohh my >//> if those aren't some fantastically wonderful designs! definitely worth a purchase it seems, I mean how can one say no to ads like that? :3c heheh loooks great!