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Jean groans and blinks. What the fuck happened? Last she remembered was getting an automated email from the server owner, and...


This is an Automated Email from your friendly AdminiMistress.

What's going on...?

Multiple accounts have reported you as a user on suspicion of cheating via the use of specialised software to illegaly improve performance. This is in clear violation of our no-cheating policy and user code.

That's right, she... she'd read the email, and...

These claims will be investigated shortly. Please wait.

We'll see you soon.

Jean shot awake, panting breathlessly. Her wrists were pinned over her head. Leather; comfortable, snug. Wasn't she in pyjamas just a minute ago-?! She had been getting ready for bed! She'd washed off her 'punk gamer' look, but here she was, trussed up in her streaming gear with her cool-girl eyeshadow on, branded crop top and toeless thigh-highs and all! She rattled her chains briefly, looking around as her eyes adjusted.


A dark shape appeared in her periphery; a translucent floating obelisk just out of her field of vision. Something popped up. Text. It was backwards, and faint; she could only just read it.

Mod: And she's up!

Mod: Welcome to the trial, folks, where all cheaters squeal! Chat and donations open up in 3...2...1...

Her vision was suddenly assaulted with a flurry of messages, bright lights scrolling by like speeding headlights on a busy highway. As soon as she blinked, she was suddenly thrown sideways by her own thrashing body - something was nuzzling into her side, sending electric spasms through the ticklish nerve endings and drawing a helpless giggling laugh from her lips.

"H-hey! Stahahap! Nonono, I'm too ticklihihish! Wha-hahahat the fuhuhuck!"

More messages, ticking by before she could read them, and then something else - a chiming noise, like a bell being rung. She took the moment to study her surroundings; dark mountain spires, jagged rocks, glowing centipedes the size of her leg snaking in and out of deep craters under a debris-speckled sky-?

She was... she was in the game.

Her game of choice, the one all the fans begged for.

Nomads of Outerdark, the edgy gothic MMORPG.

The one she'd been using coinbots to farm for better equipment for.

Before the could properly process this, a braying laugh was punched from her chest as the nuzzling touch. Wh- what was it?! Looking around frantically, she noticed a glowing arrow poking and grazing her sensitive side, but this time it tickled twice as much; she could barely take the steady poke-poke-rub of the little glowing head-!

Another chime.

She shrieked out a laugh as three more cursors appeared, diving into her navel, armpit and toes. The chains groaned to hold her. There was another chime.

She managed to make out some username, 'donated $5!' and a green field reading '/-5 STR'.

The groaning quietened as Jean groaned, feeling her strength sap away. She could barely defend herself from the tickling cursors; they burrowed into her navel and between her toes with ease. More chimes and chat messages rolled in. More cursors joined their ranks, preying on her exposed ribs and hips, drawing helpless peals of laughter from the cheater, the chat going wild with lust as she screamed and giggled her head off.

Another chime.

There was a rip.

Jean moaned in surprise as she felt her breasts heave. What- what could this be?! What-! Her shirt began to strain as another chime sounded, her nipples pulsing with desire as her thighs buckled and the fabric finally gave way. They bounced free of their ripped fabric confines, bursting like an overflowing river and leaping as their owner squealed with ticklish torment. The chat seemed encouraged; more chimes - donations-?! - rolled in, and she shuddered in desperate pleasure as a cursor began rubbing at her clothed mound, thighs ballooning and driving fractures down the striped soft lengths of her stockings.




Jean howled so loud she nearly felt her throat run dry. The tickling was torture - when she'd downloaded the bots, she'd never imagined this! The chat buzzed by, and she caught snippets of messages between her own shrieking laughs and teary eyes - people demanding more punishment for her socked feet, drooling over her growing wetness, suggesting they donate inoordinate amounts of cash to see her breasts rip her shirt entirely and blossom three times as big as her head-


She thrashed, kicking her feet, only to be lost in a sea of helpless ticklish pleasure as some kind donor pumped 50-whatevers of aphrodisiac into her already hypersensitive body. She was g- she was going to-! But she couldn't - she wasn't sure if it was because of the merciless tickling or if she simply wasn't allowed, but it was unbearable, too much for her body to take, if she didn't get relief soon she'd break.

"Th- this is- this has t- to be a dreeheheheam!"

She managed to catch 'Aww, if it's a dream, then she won't mind us tickling her cute little butt :^)' in the chat before it flew by, and she danced on the spot as a cursor probed between her shaking cheeks, growing thicker and softer with every chime. A cursor began massaging the very middle of her right nipple, another joined the cluster at her bellybutton, and she helplessly hopped from foot to foot in some vain attempt to escape the torment.


The tickling didn't stop; if anything, more chimes rang in her ears as donations flooded in, seemingly pleased with her screaming confession. She torqued against her bonds.

"I- I downloaded bots and- and-! Plehehease stahahahap I'm gonna go cra-aHA-azy-!"

And it stopped.

Jean heaved for breath as her vision went black. It was a moment before she noticed the change of scenery, and that she had been moved from a vertical to horizontal position. She was... she... was lying on a bed...?

Huh... it was just a dream...?

"No, honey. This is aaall real."

She started, looking around for the intruder. She was in a bare room, the white bed barely visible in the gleam.


"Ah, you wouldn't recognise me, would you? You've never been one to listen to your friendly AdminiMistress."

"Wh-what?! Where-?!"

"Where am I? Oh, darling, I'm the air you breathe right now. I'm the floor, the bed, and I'm you. Your cute little script kiddie code-body. Right now, your flesh-form is getting a good ten hours of sleep, while your mind - and your senses - are getting your just desserts for your little stunt!"

"H- hah- please, I just wanted to-"

"Ah-ah-ah. No excuses." Jean couldn't see the administration AI, but could somehow feel her waggling a finger disapprovingly. "You read the Terms & Conditions, didn't you?"

Jean looked down, bashfully.

"Ohh. Naughty little hacker. I'll let the voters know."

"The... the...?"

"Yes, love. You lasted a good long time, but you cracked and confessed, so now the Platinum Supporters get to vote on how they punish you."

"That- that WASN'T my punishment?!"

"Oh, no, honey, that was the interrogation. And for being such a stubborn little hacker, they're going to really give every inch of your ticklish little body a treat."

Jean jumped as she felt invisible fingers press at her side.

"But for now, you're being given a break. Can't have your mind turning to mush too quick."

Sitting up, Jean studied the featureless room. "Wh- when c- can I- wake up-?"

She felt the room smile around her.

"Sweetie, you are awake. This is your reality now - for the next few hours, at least. Don't worry - when your punishment is over, you'll be sent right back to your bed with a pat on the butt and a lesson learned."

It was warm, and it smelled of nothing.

"But for the next thirty minutes... you're aaaall mine."



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