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Can be a male, female, villain, superhero(ine), from a game, show, from another dimension, anything. Just has to be some who would fit to Halloween.

I'll then make a poll of those characters based on the suggestions



Could be a banal choice but I'd go with Velma Dinkley, investigating some Halloween themed mystery

Weiss Queen

Would Claire Redfield work?

The Cad


Gerald L

Raven Hex and/or her sister Tarot from Witch of the Black Rose comics

Tommy Mars

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose


Elvira, Mistress of the Night




I think I'll add Daphne Blake. You can't have Velma without Daphne.


Stripperella :)


Poison Ivy


A Pumpkin Lantern ( jack-O-lantern) come to life.. with Vines or plant like body, glowing eyes.. who collects heroines and makes them in to Halloween decorations. Powers include Hypnosis.. Extending vine tentacles out to grab people and tie them up.. and flaming bolts shooting out of it`s eyes.


I think Ghost from Dark Horse comics...


Instead of a more "human-ish" character, how about something more otherworldly villain-like (similar to the vine creature Sum0ne described) ... a creature like Slender Man, perhaps ... or a Shadow Creature that could grab a victim through another shadow from across the room (and God help her if she's in a really dark room ... ).


Well I had this thing for the last Halloween https://www.deviantart.com/heroineadventures/art/Wonder-Woman-creeper-contest-entry-750793745


I like it! Maybe make him a little darker, to obscure detail a little more ... horror is always, I think, more effective when it isn't seen completely clearly. I'd like to see him (or should I say, it) doing something ... uh ... very RUDE ... to her.

The Silver Socialist

You mean like that one episode of the original DuckTales cartoon where Magica gave her shadow the ability to move freely? In that episode the shadow was only able to manipulate the environment by interacting with other shadows.


Never saw that, SS, but it sounds interesting. Opens up for, say, an image of WW hanging in mid-air, with the shadows on the wall showing an unseen being having its way with her. I had in mind more of a thing where the critter could reach into a shadow on one side of a room, and its arm (claw, tentacle, etc.) would emerge from a shadow behind the victim and seize her. That way, in a dark room, she would essentially be surrounded and completely vulnerable.