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⭐Hello Platinums!

Some supporters reported few bugs which prevented to continue the game on the first chapters, so here's a new version with few things I've been tweaking these days.

Update 0.3.92 will fix some random errors in the campsite when attempting to import the lust-gauge score with getLust function, and will get rid of the issue when leaving the tower of lust, caused by some tileset rules updated by mistake 😛

✅ Fixed the tower of lust entrance's blocked exit. Also, I've added different tiles this time.

✅Working on the Campsite getLust error at night, I'd say it's fixed, but may need some gameplay. Any bug report about will help.

✅Improved forest tileset trees, also added in the North Forest.

✅Improved the questlog window. Now you can filter through quest categories, and all the quest states.

✅ Fixed some missing SFX with boudicca's flirting scenes.

The questlog will now work as follows:

  • Action button will filter through all quests categories, mainquests, chapters, sidequests, and jobs, by default will show them all under the All category.
  • Left and right cursors, will move to the next/previous quest state, described in the top tab.

ℹ Note the QuestLog update is yet being tested, it should work fine, but you know, any issue or breaking error you notice, let me know.

You may get the new release from ITCH and MEGA here



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