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Welcome back to another Amirian Update!

These girls won't ever stop enjoying tickling 😁 Here's the new release 😀

Amirian Curse V0.3.40B from ITCH.IO
▶ Remember you may vote this poll to let me know if you want your name-alias in the credits 🙂

Much work is done in this update, mostly fixing up bugs and improving old unsafe code.

The questlog script checkout gave me more trouble than expected, and I keep working to avoid issues with older unsafe functions. Thus, I've been unable to introduce yet some animations I listed in the weekly roadmap, because I lack the time this week to setup several scenes and variations for these.

Instead, I focused on the mothgirl and ghost scenes, so we can enjoy them at last in the forest of Lys and the haunted mansion. I won't give up on these animations either, since I'd like to add some more extra rewarding variations for the mothgirls and I feel we could eventually use the ghosts with more purposes 😁

New Animations

  • Anne tickled by Mothgirl Completed!
  • Mothgirl Domination Completed! (may introduce variations and rewards next)
  • Anne tickled by ghosts Completed!
  • Anne Stuck on Traps - Ivy Maidens, imps and ghosts in progress
  • Aurelia blue tickling by anne and boudicca in progress
  • Early frames for Magic Accademia jobs 🤤 in progress

I still working on the stuck animation variations, I just need some more time to get them ready with the ghost hands, imps and ivy maidens, thus we're not going to see the new variations this update yet. 😉🙏🏼 

... but I've got some early access previews already 😁

Also, I had to pause Evelynn's Set. Her deffinitive domination and submission cutscenes will come with another random sidequest. Given she's been able to escape after the haunted mansion quest, now we've got the perfect excuse to spawn her in random locations and bother the girls with more spooky conents 👻🎃

Just exploring new ways to reach to hidden items😛 (work in progress)

What's New?

  • 🥚⭐Added Easter Event!! YAAYY!!! ⭐🥚
  • Fixed Aurelia Blue's ambush mess with her first sidequest.
  • Fixed Accademia of Magic locked doors if not working with debug mode. Now will be unlocked after completing the first accademia sidequest.
  • Fixed several sidequests which didn't started properly.
  • Fixed issue with the quest-log update method in some states which throws a code exception
  • Adding new dungeons for the Accademia Demon's gate random sidequest
  • Adding random sidequest variations for all the questgivers.
  • Randoms, randoms and more randoms ... Valyndra HQ gives random sidequests with random variations each 😆
  • Random Aurelia Blue locations, Random Succubus' nightspawn cities, Random monster girl attacks, random locations to look for the lost guards ... 
  • Fixing some broken things in the QuestLog plugin which may cause errors... 😓
  • Updating QuestLog older references and scripts used in game. Messy code cleanup time! 💪🏻 
  • Adding the new crafting feature in the campsite (can be toggled from the config menu, in amaymon's)
  • Alchemy crafting level is now Anne's current level, so yeah: just level up to unlock new crafting recipes (easy to add new ones too)
  • Alchemy scrolls are no more required to level up alchemy. Instead, you need to use them in the campsite (again) to earn some extra XP.
  • Alchemy scrolls will be dropped too by some enemies and looted in random chests. 
  • Adding mothgirl's domination and submission cutscenes
  • Adding the ghost cutscenes
  • Adding first Aurelia Blue interrogation scenes

New dynamic job variations are introduced for Valyndra's sidequests.

Now several jobs may define different random locations to explore in order to complete the given quest. Pay attention to the questgiver's notes to find up the target map!
Mostly implemented in Valyndra city, one of them defined in the magic accademia (demon's gate job). I've got yet to improve and set up random variations for Camelia Flaire, so I can make her ingredient quests more appealing.


In order to create the sidequest variations, I needed to redefine some logics.
If you're playing already some sidequest from Valyndra, Magic Accademia or Camellia Flaire, you may be prompted with this question.
Keep in mind we're yet testing the game, and you may want to save in a blank save slot after this change. I'm expecting this won't cause much trouble, besides restarting the first sidequests, when required.

New Crafting System!

As a continuation from the previous update, the game now implements a new crafting system which can be activated from Amaymon ▶ Settings Menu.

I'm expecting this will be the deffinitive system to craft items, now handled by a custom plugin I've created in order to manage the crafting formulas easier.

Camp site Crafting Pot: You may toggle among the original crafting option and the new dynamic potion making in the campsite crafting menu.
- Add ingredients to the pot (displayed in the bottom item bar)
- Select Craft when ready!
- Wait for the result!
You can learn quickly some basic formulas suck as dropping 2 aloe leaves to get a single health potion, but you may eventually need to check the Alchemy Recipe Book in the inventory to learn more combinations. Still I can add more combinations in the plugin database, or even add specific ways to reveal them after interrogating a cute magician 😉

Accademia's Crafting Station: The Accademia of Magic now introduces the laboratory (cauldron room), where you may select among all the available crafting formulas filtered by level.
- All available recipes filtered by level
- No lose nor waste of material, since you only can craft those recipes you know in the list.
- Detailed information about the ingredients and the crafting items.

I needed a more flexible way to introduce new formulas for crafting, and optional efficient ways to craft items (unlocked by level).

Feel free to explore both options, and give any feedback you like.
If you find bugs or you prefer the former menu selection, you can toggle back to the original crafting menu.

The random item drops for crafting could become a good bonus for extra cutscenes such as worshiping or other special reward, after domination success.😉

Happy Tickling!! 😁

Amirian Curse is an adult-oriented erotic (nsfw) tickling rpg game. It's not a game for minors nor people who might feel offended by slight nsfw contents, and it's distribution out of this production environment (PATREON, ITCH.IO) in this current stage, is forbidden.  All Characters (OCS) and NPCS are original and property of their Respective Owners, with their own stories and purposes, all them depicted as over-aged (20+) and sharing mutual adult interests to progress within their adventure.  The game contains several configuration levels, depending on the player's interests, which can be set from the very begining of the story, and may be changed in order to safely play the adventure according to her/his own preferences about the nsfw contents.  This game is in alhpa developement stage. Many contents may be subject to be updated/changed in next releases. All custom non-vanilla/non-community contents, including graphic and sound assets, text and scripts are property of their respective owners in therms of ownership (OCs) and authorship (JayaKun, Va performers, staff and contributors) Please do not share this game out of this community under this status.  Thanks for supporting 💚



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