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Such a tasty piece!

The queen of the swarm has got her grips over poor Kait to ...

no no nononono!! no gore here!!!
We're just unlocking the secret ending here for Kait Diaz!

we love happy endings, and more if the protagonists end their affair having fun ( or well what we understand about having fun of course xD)

Although, we've got to do something with this girl's armor, so let's start step by step peeling off those cumbersome clothes and heavy cuirass ...

Technology and protection ain't required here to have fun!

Oh girl!

Do you really like to walk on those heavy boots?

Pity! you've got quite nice feet!

Don't stress, we just want you to feel comfy!

... and hear some giggles hehehe, smile, darling!

Oh wait! can't go on with this big piece of junk!

Now let's see what's beneath this tough plate...

As I suspected ... so many places to tickle here, dear!

Keep wiggling those tootsies! I love the way you spread'em!

Honey, where did you buy your pants ... that old fashion is forbidden here...

you rather go naked! we don't care, really!

Yess we all love this glorious sound!!!

how sweeet is your laugher, dear!!!

Coooochie coochie kooooo!!!

Secret Final Unlocked for Kait!
A request by ArmoredFury ;D
My pleasure!




This one's really great! The detail and the process are awesome!


thanks costa! this one was challenging, glad to have it completed ;)