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After a few days changing my RL job priorities, and settling to the new status, I've got some more time at least to think about the tiers.

Some days back found myself in a bottleneck adding more and more patreon works to the queue to eventually loose some schedule and priorize over easier jobs to cear up some content along the week.

No time for 3d stuff nor my other posted animations and short story attempts, so i had to stop a while to find a new approach.

I'm publishing my ideas below so we can validate the best way to keep requests going on:

Gold tier will become support for general storyboards. The priority of these can be voted in polls too, so I'll be able to continue with several ideas i had and validate them with u and feed them with new incoming requests.

A storyboard can be started from any of my current animations and concepts, or select a published request to have more content about, there's april animation set now in her first stages, but already commented with some of you I'd love to make 2 chapters more for her.

Now, leaving open only a single request type with Platinum tier, choose your character request for a single animation, and once released can vote it in polls to become a storyboard or make new chapters, providing more stories for April, Thalia or other characters.

Monthly release deadline is removed, once completed, you can add another request to the queue but the assessment will have the same prioriry as other patreon requests and will depend on the scene complexity and its order in the list of todos. An easy trick for it is asking variations with the same pose, which will be way easier (tickling with different tools, other teasing, more singular frames ...) than making a whole scene from the scratch.

I've got to think about interactive management without getting into complex game mechanics which i could publish in this levels.

Finally Diamond tier, could be the option to publish when i get started into a personal game project with unity.

I'd want to lead this new approach to have more time to other works and characters for patreon, DA and other sites, while I'm opening too the Ruby channel for other NSFW fetishes for more bdsm or punishing focused interests (only in discord atm).

There's yet so much work i want to do and this way i think I'll be able to gain more freedom to make rpgm stuff and more general content.

Comments are appreciated :D




How much is Platinum again?


I ask because my financial situation is about to get much better, and I'd like to support you at a higher level once that happens.


Thanks bud i want to reactivate it at the right time i need to validate some concepts about the game projects i want to work from now on. this weekend I'm activating gold tier and publish a post about the new goal of the high tiers. Im really happy to see such enthusiasm in the community :D


Sounds good, if you end up reactivating Platinum in or around March I'll definitely snag it!