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Full notes: https://gunnerheatpc.com/news/articles/ghpc-20220508-dot-1-patch-notes 

This update introduces the original M1 Abrams, as well as a few fixes and adjustments.

Compared with the M1IP, the early variant of the M1 featured a shorter turret length, more coverage of the sprocket wheels by the side skirts, and an earlier and less effective version of the turret cheek armor.  Thousands of these tanks were produced before the M1IP (and soon afterward, the M1A1) was fielded, and most of them would still be in service in the mid-'80s.  

We've added the M1 into a few existing missions, as well as the mission generator.  

As always, you will automatically receive the build via your itch app library if you've paired an account and installed the Patreon demo through the itch app.  You can also access the download at the usual link: https://gunnerheatpcdev.itch.io/gunner-heat-pc-patron-build/patreon-access

- Josh




Cool, you're doing good work, guys


Keep up the fantastic work! 😀🥳💙




This might be a very beginner's question that I have had since I started more than a year ago. At very close range, I noticed that shell is not flying towards the aiming point. I understand that the sight bore offset is modeled which means sight-in at a very close distance is not achievable. I thought this would be covered in the gunnery guide but I have not found it yet. Is the bore-sight offset actually modeled? E.g., in T-72, the TPD-K1 is on the left side of the gun so at point-blank range, should I aim a git higher and to the left to where I want hit?


That is correct, all tanks in the game have parallax in their aim points at close range, though some have more pronounced error than others. For instance, the T-55's gunsight is right next to the gun, giving it very little error, while most of the others have their gunsights mounted on the roof.


Download at itchio is always being interrupted... I have been trying it for 5 times now. always arount 85-something percent.


Question: do you have plans to improve what happens between the tracks and the ground, graphically? When you see tanks in real life, the chewing up dirt and leaving those big imprints is a big part of the impression :)


We've had this in the past but removed it for performance reasons. It may return eventually.