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Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well!

Sorry for submitting all 3 illustrations for this month at once. I thought I would save the uploads for the end of the month, due to some issues with Patreon recently. Many of you will probably have noticed that earlier this month Patreon had an issue with an increased number of false payment declines. I thought I'd wait for them to (hopefully) fix the issue before I upload stuff, in order to not mess things up further. Suppossedly things are fixed now. If you were affected by it, you probably were sent an email from Patreon support with steps to take to keep things running smoothly. Let's hope things can go back to normal now.

In other news: anyone going to Eurofurence? I'll be there and will be at the Dealer's Den! If you're also going, make sure to stop by!



The decline stuff deffo happened earlier this month for quite a few Patrons. Would love to stop by again this EF, but unfortunately can't because of the odd convention schedule this year and vacation time. Looking forward to next year probably.