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Hey lovelies!

It's been a long time since I gave you a little news update. Time to change that!

General Update, Personal Life, Etc

I'm alive! Aside from that there really isn't all that much new or interesting I can tell you from my personal life. I spent most of the winter hauled up at home, trying not to get sick. I failed at that and got the flu and a bad cold twice. Now I'm just looking forward to warmer months and am in the mood to draw warm art about spring or summer. You can expect more art like that in the near future. I'm also hella looking forward to being able to do some gardening again. Gonna grow a lot of veg this year.

I'm planning on going to some cons this year! I'll be at Confuzzled and Eurofurence, so if you're going to either, we could meet up and have a drink. I'll try to get a dealers den spot for both cons, so I should be easy to find at the den. Looking forward to seeing some of you around!

I've also managed to pick up the output of cameos over the last half year, so that's something to be happy about. I'm trying to work my way through the list faster by sprinkling in larger cameo works every now and then, so I can do two slots at the same time. It would be fantastic if this year I could think of some scenes that would include 2 or 3 cameo slots at the same time, cause I'm in the mood to do some more involved works again. For that reason look forward to some large scenes like this:

You can also keep up to date with my (very flexible) attempts at scheduling what pieces of art I will tackle next on this Trello: https://trello.com/b/KVmObREn/patreon-schedule


Here's a reminder that there's a discord server you can chill on! I also post a lot of WIPs and stream announcements there. To get added to the server all you need to do is connect your discord with Patreon. You should be able to find that in your Patreon settings under "Connected Apps". It's great to hang out there every now and then, so come and swing by!


I'm still offering prints and as patrons you get 20% off your order. To get the discount, simply put your name in the comment when filling out the order form:



I have a little Etsy store I run together with Ultraviolet where you can a bunch of cute pins, patches, lanyards etc. As patrons you also get a discount when using the code PATRON20 at checkout:


There are also Synth designs, if that strikes your fancy! The coupon code will be active for a limited time only

Declined Payments

I noticed that there are quite a few patrons whose payments got declined a while ago and it never got fixed. That's probably because a payment was declined by their bank (or paypal), patreon sent you a mail about it and that went unnoticed. Please have a look in your patreon settings under "Billing History" to make sure your payments are going through alright and update your payment information, if needed. Other creators you support are also going to be thankful to you :3

And that's it from me! How are you all doing? How has your winter been?



3 cons in 3 months! A little wallet dry but having fun lol


Thanks for the update! My winter has been fine here in northeastern USA for the most part. Ready for it to be over though.