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Hey all! I'm back home from my trip to the UK and to ConFuzzled. It was a fantastic con and I enjoyed myself greatly, especially when I got to meet some of you and have some drinks <3. Already looking forward to next time~ 

However, I did catch covid at the con and had to travel home with a fever. Seems like it was going around there and a lot of people caught it. I'm quarantining myself until I test negatively. I'm past the worst bit of feeling like trash and should hopefully be all up and ready for work again soon.

I'll post your rewards for the past month shortly. Hope you're all doing well and are healthy there (or get better soon)!



Oof, that sounds like an unpleasant finish. I wish you a full and speedy recovery, Vader.


I'm glad you had so much fun but that's a bummer to hear how it ended. Hope you feel better!