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sorry I'm a little late this month, the second half of March was kinda a drain for me (decided I'd move out of my current place in July then there was all the apartment hunting and visiting and it sucked but I found a place yayy) and I didn't really think of a new theme, but I've been reminded that April is Bakugou's bday month, so that'll do right? ;p

so give me your cool and badass Bakugou ideas, and your gremlin Bakugou ideas, and your soft Bakugou ideas, all Bakugous are good Bakugous


  • one prompt per person
  • sfw or nsfw is fine
  • any Bakugou ship or no ship at all is fine
  • must include some idea/setting/scenario/AU/kink
  • as long as it has the theme of one splodey boy

I'll make a poll out of your ideas in a couple days or so~


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