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this month for a change I’d like to ask prompts around a specific theme, and that theme is:

First Times

so give me a character or a ship and tell me, what first time are they gonna experience :0 could be first anything! interpret it any way you would like, cute or horny or angsty is all valid and good with me~



Shinsou and Ojiro’s first make-out session.


Ooh Kirifly... First time seeing Bakugou... (Or first time seeing naked?)


Anyone (I’m seeing Deku) too horny and explodes too fast, and gets a bit embarrassed, and his partner is either frustrated or finds it funny (Bakugo and Kirishima respectively).


Bakugou and Deku, magic au, magic experament gone wrong


BakuDeku, first time kissing 🥰


Kurodai (haikyuu) for first kiss. Ideal height difference (for me anyway)


Kiribaku's first scare? Like, something happens to one of them, and the other is super worried! A little bit of angst doesn't hurt once in a while😋


A first time together, early and awkwardly cute, between Zagreus and Thanatos?


bakugou and his first loss (whether that be about death, loss of a relationship, a fight, etc is up to you 😊)


KiriBakuDeku adopting their first pet!


Zoro+Sanji, first time having sex post-timeskip? I want 2 years of longing horny ;3;


TamakixKirishima first night together. Or Alpha Bakugou and Omega Kirishima.


Tamaki and Mirio's first time. I'm imagining Mirio being very gentle and encouraging, Tamaki in disbelief that his feelings are reciprocated.


Bakugou's first time trying to be actually comforting to Midoriya who's upset. Maybe with some soft touches and non-verbal affection


I would love to see a first date type scenario!! •Deku x Uraraka: Watching a cute movie and blushing while holding hands, linking pinkies in the theater. •Kirishima x Uraraka: On a wild rollercoaster, or some other crazy ride, with both screaming and having fun. •Deku x Kirishima: At the Churaumi Aquarium (or any aquarium/zoo, I just love this aquarium specifically) with Kirishima excited to see the huge sharks and Deku admiring his excitement. •Or heck, all three on a cute date night out on the town, cause I love my ot3 💕


fem!bakukiri, post first child


First break up- with any ship.


What about a Deku first time love confession? It could be to the Y/N or any of the MHA characters really ☺️


First time Bakugou cooks for Kirishima! Since it's February first Valentines Day for any ship? (It could be confessions or established relationship)


Alpha Deku x Alpha Bakugo: First Time Trying Chastity


In honor of the new season, Tokoyami and Kuroiro first time cuddling? Dark Shadow antics optional


Shinkami! Honestly anything, just wanna see more of those two!


I'd like to see maybe first time kirideku argument, I can imagine they'd feel really sad and guilty about it afterwards, they'd probably fight because of some insecurities? Maybe Kiri accusing Deku that he's crushing on Bakugo or something, idk. Alternatively, I'd like to see them make up, probably bunch of kisses and cuddles, definitely a lot of tears and apologies.


Oh here’s my time to shine! I have a few options! - kirideku: first time kissing and first time realizing Kiri’s chompers are quite sharp! - bakudeku: considering what’s going on in the manga, either first hug or first time saying they don’t wanna lose the other - kiribaku: first time snuggling and falling asleep on a couch - kiribakudeku: first public date


Ooh ooh, I got one! KiriBaku's first time meeting with one of their #1 fans who is the cutest fucking 2.5yr old to have ever walked the planet. Like, little nugget full on toddles straight into one of their legs, latches on and asks for cuddles.


This lives rent free in my head: ~KiriTamaki ~ Kiri's first time confessing That he's interested in Tamaki and he does it in the manliest way possible, with a note, a single flower and a small treat. ~KiriShinso ~first time hanging out/date and Kiri asks Shinso up to his apartment ~KiriTamaKenma(HQ) ~ First time out to a festival (in traditional yukata) as a poly triad.


Oh jeesus i hope you didn’t see that first comment i totally thought it was a different patreon person for two seconds i apologize!!! Sorry!! Ok i’ll try something different 😫 I’d like to see a continuation/another part of that sex quirk incident with kiribakudeku! Maybe them getting closer to confessing that they all love each other!


First time small Kiri sees Crimson Riot - like in the anime/manga when Bakugou and Deku sees All Might -- Todoroki and Kirishimas first time - awkward yet very sweet and soft ❤💙


KrBkDk first anniversary 🥺 TdKrBkDk first date as a quad 💜 BkDk first heat/rut 🔥


*Raises hand* I'd like to second these responses, can we get a Hell Yeah? *HELL YEAH!*


BkKr taking Deku out for the first time. KrDk having sex for the first time while Bk watches. TamiMirio first time with Mirio being bottom and Tami top.


KiriOji First Valentines date or first time having sex. TodoBaku First kiss!


First time Deku is too late to save people and watches them die before his eyes. He’s on his knees looking devastated in front of a burning building and Bakugou, or kiri (or anyone really) is at his side trying to provide comfort.


Since Valentine’s Day is this month what about some configuration of KrBkDk (any as a couple, or as a polycule) confessing in some cute/obnoxious/subtle way. Or figuring out sex for the first time as you do. Or on a more somber note: the first time one of them loses a civilian at work and being comforted by the other(s).


ORR—First time kiri kills someone on accident. Or on purpose, that’s up to you, when he’s unbreakable he gets really sharp.. those claws of his would make it really easy for him slit someone’s throat. 😈


Kirishima and Tamaki are such a cute pair; the comfort, shyness, and mutual admiration is just so cute!