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In which things are all resolved more or less the most you can expect from this sort of nonsense

One or two simple pages left to wrap up the comic, then I'm gonna figure out compiling it and putting it on a site like gumroad. Thanks very much for your support!  <3




Sad to see it end, but grateful it began. Thanks for spoiling us with this treasure~&lt;3

Travis Akin

Gawd, how is Gomme so dang adorable. Hahaha I also love how Genevieve shrinks herself back down but is still super-curvy. Fantastic comic, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for the future! &lt;3


I loved this comic so much, it was such a fun and unique concept.


Adorable, what a great comic!


Please dont end. I finded this comics be mistake and I like it soo much. This comics makes me want to be your patron


Funny, sexy, adorable, etc. It's got expansion art, no one is actually distraught by it they're all enjoying themselves... I can't express how good this is omg