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I hope God forgives me for today's patron-exclusive upload, another Drunk & Dangerous!  Tread carefully as you maybe skip this episode of my disgusted reading of the final chapter of The Whore Next Door, by Hamid!

No, seriously, heavy disclaimer on this one.  You'll have about a minute of me warning and ranting before the particular scene is read aloud, but just be warned -- it's grim.

On a lighter note, next Wednesday's upload will be a new cooking ASMR along with recipe!  I hope you like tortillas...




Well now I've GOTTA listen to it.


5:54 I give up

Jeremy Knight

I was not expecting beastiality at all, one of the most disgusting kinks out there. So Tan not only finds out she killed her sister she killed her in order to steal her abusive husband that raped her with his dog. Without a doubt the most unsexy "married man seduced by an evil woman" story I've ever heard.

Jeremy Knight

Cooking asmr sounds nice though.

Rick Altair

The tags to this post are better written than this story. The "author" was on that nasty shit when they wrote this. Can't wait for the tortilla mental cleanse.


All I needed were the awesome tags on this one. Ido enjoy cooking though.


It’s okay, as horrifying as some stories can be, I listen more for your sense of humor, you always make me laugh lol. Thank you very much, Dangerous. Have a pleasant day! 😊


I'm a bit late on this, but a cooking audio again? throwback to good times, especially when I just recently listened to some again ^^ definitely looking forward to that a lot. and uhh... part 2 of this, hmm.... maybe if it has no dog rape? ^^