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If you want to keep your wits about you while remaining among the living, here's your end.



Dangerous' Freya❤️

I’ll accept my place.. ❤️🤗😊 It’ll be a while to get used to.. but I’ll manage

Jeremy Knight

This is alright. At least the Thrall won't be a maddeningly jealous bitch anymore.


I would choose to keep my wits. If I keep my intellect, I can always come up with a plan about what to do next, or an opportunity can present itself, you never know what might transpire. Either way, there’s no giving up lol. Thanks again Dangerous and Sofi P, you guys are awesome. 🙂


I'm just waiting on that one opportunity to escape.


Thinking you can keep me confined for the rest of my life in that house...my time will come, and when that day comes I won't hesitate. It was a pleasant surprise being able to choose our ending?! I must say that an erase memory option would have been nice, but nonetheless good job you two, phenomenal work again. 🎉


I chose submission, I would not want to die and I wouldn’t want to became a thrall and live a life like that .


I know I’d have to give in but I’d rather give in my own way and time or end up leaving that place when they aren’t home .


As Tyrion Lannister said "Death is so final, but life is full of possibilities," The oink will use this wisdom.

Happy Succubus

Here's my secret, I stayed for Pet. So she wouldn't have to be alone with a negligent vampire


Watches Mistress leave penthouse. "....Okay, so I'm gonna head off now before she comes back."


I think I stay for pet because I don't want to let her alone and I don't want to lose who I am if I have chosen the thrall end


There’s more to the mistress and I understand that however I’m staying for pet it’s good to see the relationship is healing but that needs a lot of love.


I’d rather submit for the time being .


I wound not want to be a thrall


I tried to listen to the other endings but stopped both just a minute in or so.