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Ah, my pet.  How lovely to see you again...

I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, and that you had an amazing Christmas!  Is anyone excited for 2019?  Another year closer to the inevitable heat death of the universe.  If that's not a thing to celebrate, then I don't know what is! 



Scott Evans

Hope you all have a great new year! 😎


Happy new year everyone


This just cured my hangover :)

C Nguyen

I hope she’s not too angry for me leaving


It's never enough. I always want more!


I love everything about this!

Derek Apfel

You call that punishment?? I've gotten worse whiplash from sneezing.


I have a (OW!) question. (AH!) Is it more ideal to (OW!) communicate with you (ACK!) through Patreon, or (ARRRGH!) Discord?


That was very unsettling you seemed very different dangerous this felt serious 😬 first time I ever felt like the main character was in danger had to check to make sure my dog was safe after this shit


I won't ask for you to bring me food if I behave. But will you let me know if you'll be able to record your lines for Himiko in Chapter 12 within the next 2 or 3 weeks?


“Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd / Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd." - William Congreve/The Mourning Bride Rage and threats communicated in a soft, conversational tone are far more chilling than anything else on earth. Fantastic writing and execution! Bravo, Dangerous!


Now I love stories like this, the fantastic dialogue and deep emotions. I love how you put these stories together, but have only one problem, and it's just me with this. But why is the listener usually a terrified helpless person? I think the popular trend has been that people will make the dumbest decisions out of fear, which yes has a lot of truth, considering nowadays. But not all people are like this, there are noble people who even when scared, will try to make the best out of the situation. To make the best decisions they could make in the scenario. And I'm not saying that these haven't been made before, like teacups audio of the knight and the queen. Your crazed yandere kidnapping audio as well. The listener did the best they could in that scenario. What I am trying to say is, I dont wanna be scared and helpless all the time. Anyways great audios as always, cant wait to hear the next one. Thank you again


You can watch one of her videos on YouTube addressing this topic. Btw how does nobility make you braver?


Dangerous any chance that you sing ? if so can we get a small clip of you singing something ?


I do, though it's something I usually reserve for the shower! But if enough people wanted it, I'm sure I could upload a patron-only clip! 😊


i wouldnt mind a female vampire slayer come and save me


best series, absolute gold