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I hope you enjoy this early upload!  While Monday is usually my Love-Crazed Yandere upload day, we are coming to the end of the series -- this means two (possibly 3) endings, which I want to upload all on the same day.  This also means a lot more work on my part... which necessitates a later upload date.  So be on the lookout for it in the next week or two!  I'm hoping it will be epic.

Second, this audio will kind of lead into the alternate-universe NSFW werewolf chapter that I will be putting up next week!  Since the werewolf roleplay is gender neutral, the first NSFW will be Female x Male, followed by a NSFW werewolf Female x Female roleplay 10 days later.  Sound good?  

My plan with basically all of my gender neutral roleplays that go NSFW is to upload two versions of the erotic stuff featuring both genders.  That way, whether you are male or female, you can enjoy the tingly sexy goodness of the werewolf, the vampire, et al.

Love you guys, your support means the world to me!  Each and every one of you is an amazing human individual.... or robot, or creature, monster, otherworldly entity...
Whatever you identify with, you are awesome and I love you just a little bit more than the rest of humanity.  Don't tell 'em, though.  It's our little secret.




You always give this stuff a lot of thought, it's pretty clear in the content and your messages, and we love you all the more for it. Thank you :)


Sounds good, love the idea of doing multi versions.


tbh I was afraid that it would be a problem to create a NSFW on gender neutral series you have atm. But DAAAAMN! 2 versions?! God-like! May the heavens bless your kind soul Dangerous! You're absolutely an angel sent to us!


Made my morning!! You are the best!!! Lots of love!


"I am going to make you mine, little fish."


"Magic Smells like Cinnamon"... I melted.


This wolf is in human form right?, and she doesnt have any clothes so i am running around with a naked wolfgirl.


Waiting to get turned 🤗


Expectations exceeded, as always.


don't push the workload too hard. we wouldn't want you doing so much that this whole thing turns into a chore and it stops being fun for you to do. or worse you burn out that filthy side of your brain.


Since the werewolf can be in either wolf or soft bodied form, this makes the idea of NSFW even more interesting! Thank you so much for your continued work, Dangerous.