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I want to create what you guys want to hear most!  So tell me, what naughty chapter would best get your blood flowing?



Look forward to whatever


Just quit one asmr patreon to start another, this patreon thing is going to ruin my wallet my sooner or later.


Let’s see our favorite yandere finally achieve her dream of sleeping with her chained and bondeged lover

C Nguyen

The yandere is cool and all but I want to hear what happens when the librarian finds out her favorite guest accidentally hurts the spine of her favorite book


Hands down the yandere first. Not only because that would be hot AF but also because it's actually going to be canonically fitting with the original series. Keep up the good work fam \*o*/


I mean it would probably be the one that fits the best canonically but they all i kind of fit, librarian and yandere the most.


Not sure if this is too risqué (I used a French word! You can tell by the accent in the é) but would a playful funny Dominatrix be too forward? Or am I one of those boring people. He he he I’ll just... I’ll be over here, if anyone needs me.


That ex-girlfriend's older sister please. You're welcome gentlemen. Wait, i think it's still too early for that.


You've been doing great with lamias so far. ;)


Goblin girl