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I don't have the patience to make any of this sound elegant, so I'm just gonna type it out bluntly. I've been stressed all this month and part of last over serious IRL problems, and every single god damn time I think the problem's solved it comes back a thousand fold. I thought about pausing Patreon for March to catch up on everything, but now I can't, because my art commissions are now my only source of income. I also probably have lost my health insurance and may soon loose access to my prescription medication. I hate myself and everything about my situation, but I guess there's no more time for wallowing that when I have to start producing content to pay my bills and afford food. I'm sorry if there's any noticeable drop in quality with the daily sketches, or if I come off as frustrated and a tad antisocial in conversation, my brain is completely fried right now and I have no choice but to grin and bear it.

I'm sorry for the wait, commission tier patrons, I am working on them. Please check in with me to make sure I have the information for any commissions you have not received (January, February and March) written down to do. Don't worry about overloading me, I am already overloaded and you cannot make it worse. Please don't wait to put in your information later, I would rather know what all I need to do now so I can charge through it all with all the force I can muster.

Thank you, I hope your days are going better than mine.


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