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Such a wonderfully glorious day deserves our full attention. And we decide to offer it by taking the day off.

Actually just enjoying some time away from the doom and gloom of our regular lives.

No threat. No Trappers. No Rogues.

Just us, the cool waters of the lake, and the sun smiling down on us.

Well, when I say ‘we’, I obviously mean just myself. Adam stands guard at the edge of the rickety jetty, arms folded, and very much decidedly not taking the day off.

I push myself through the water a little closer towards him, tilting my head all the way up as he stares down at me from the wooden platform. “This is a really open area. I doubt anyone is going to manage an ambush. And if they do,” I shrug, “they’re going to have to swim out a long way to do any damage.”

“It’s concerning that you believe they would need to be up close to do you any damage,” he replies with a lift of his brow.

I swallow back the curt jibe that wants to expel from me and manage a smile. “Why not enjoy yourself? Just a little?” Cocking my head, I examine his familiar tense stature. “You do know how to do that, don’t you?”

“Are you trying to taunt me into relaxing?” he asks, the slightest whisper of a smile across his lips.

I shrug, the water rippling around my shoulders. “Whatever works.”

His shoulders sag as his arms drop to his sides, and he turns his focus to the sun, glancing away from it almost instantly. “The heat is somewhat unrelenting.”

I push off from near the jetty, swimming backwards with a smile. “Well, it’s lovely and cool in here.”

His features stiffen and wrinkle as I can almost see temptation winning out over his resolve. So I lean back into the water, moving my arms around about me, sighing and letting my eyes fall closed. I hope my relaxation will be an ally to his temptation.

“You are no good for my resolve,” Adam’s voice murmurs from beside me a few seconds later.

My eyes flash open, and I flail in surprise, water splashing into the air.

He watches with an unmoving expression as I regain my composure.

“How did you…” I swing my gaze between him and the jetty. “That was scarily silent.”

“Stealth isa part of my job when needed,” he states.

My gaze traces over the bare skin of his shoulders. “The water is refreshing though, isn’t it?” I manage to drag my focus back to his, only to find his own gaze had been wandering over me.

His green eyes warm on mine. “I am not as cool as I thought I would be…”

I clear my throat at the insinuation of that. It’s not as though I’m exactly used to—what?—him flirting?

No. It can’t have been.

Adam definitely doesn’t flirt.


But hope teases at me when I notice the way his lips part, a small breath blowing out of them, as he swims a little closer.

“It does suddenly seem to be a whole lot warmer,” I admit through barely more than a whisper as the gap between us begins to close.

A sudden rustling has Adam swinging so fast it creates a small wave that washes over me. His back presses against my chest as his hands splash out of the water in preparation.

He relaxes when a squirrel peeps out of the undergrowth, blinks at us, and then scurries away.

“It’s good to know I’ll be safe from all the wildlife that want to gnaw on us,” I joke. But my voice cracks as he turns with more agile grace than expected. His body remains flush with mine.

“You would not be so keen to make jokes had it been a Trapper,” he replies, annoyingly not seeming anywhere near as affected at our nestled position.

I chew at my lower lip. “No. I guess not.”

The lightest trace of his fingertips dance down my sides. His skin against mine sends a flare of heat to shoot through me.

Whether it was by accident or not, I can’t be sure. But he unfortunately doesn’t repeat the motion.

“Thanks. For wanting to keep me safe,” I say with a smile, allowing the cool water to calm the anticipation which had sizzled through me for a moment.

I see him swallow hard, his gaze dropping momentarily. Now he seems keenly aware of our bodies still pressed together.

He swims a few inches away. “You’re most welcome, Detective.”

The unspoken barrage of words returns, like a familiar haunting chorus that constantly trails us when we’re alone.

I look away across the sun-drenched waters. “You should probably head back soon. Don’t you have a patrol?”

“Is that what you wish?” he asks.

I glance back to him, instantly enraptured by his gaze. “…No.”

“Then I shall stay.” A smile is more definite on his lips this time, and my body tingles in response to it. “With you.”

There’s not just cracks in his walls right now, but gaping holes. A little sliver of Adam without the mask finally shines through.

And I immediately want more of it.



this is so good it's illegal 😭


SO GOOD 😫😫 got me kicking my feet and squealing