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So it was a busy week of writing and social media this week!

The Spring Scenario Specials for Patreon were a blast to write! A couple went where I wasn't expecting, but that just makes it all the more fun, hehe :D

Those will be:

'Lightning's got nothing on you….' - 7th April (Farah/Felix Spring Special) — The MC learns something new about vampires, as well as Felix/Farah specifically…puns may be involved.

'Soaked Through' - 14th April (Mason/Morgan Spring Special) — The rain seems to wash away Mason/Morgan's usual grump—something more shocking than the sudden storm the MC and Mason/Morgan find themselves caught in!

'Tempest' - 21st April (Adam/Ava Spring Special) — Adam/Ava finally decides to take some advice from the MC, though leads them both into a situation that feels hauntingly familiar...

'An Echo of Thunder' - 28th April (Nate/Nat Spring Special) — The sudden storm dredges up remnants of memories Nate/Nat prefers to keep buried, and it quickly shatters their usual calm.


Around social media, I did manage to get in some writing. Chapter 11 isn't finished like I'd hoped, but it definitely will be early next week! It's partly because I want to rewrite a scene in the Tina and Verda branch which is going to be a lot better than what I currently have!

But yeah, that'll be done early next week, then I'll do my first round of edits on it and can finally let that rest, hehe! :D

The chapter is already quite a bit over 100,000 words, and I still have a bit to go on it, so there's a lot of content for you guys to enjoy with this one! I really hope you enjoy it! It's been a beast to write, but I LOVE so much in it!

Me and Nai also worked on some upcoming things for social media, which will be super fun! Some more looks into the town of Wayhaven itself and things like that. It's been really interesting picking the best parts of the town to focus on!


For Update+ this week, I really indulged in some fluffy romance with F's Spring scenario this week, but I figured we can always use some more...


"I feel like I'm in the middle of a marshmallow," I admit, the duvet bundled up right beneath my chin, my arms trapped by the fabric, only my feet free as I wriggle them at the end of my fluffy cocoon.

"Then I've definitely done my job right." She/He leans down and pecks a kiss on the tip of my nose. "Good night, babe."


I hope you all the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you next week! <3



Oooh, caught in a rainstorm with M? And possibly glimpses of Soft M™? Please and thank you! 💖 Also very excited to see what you and Nai have been working on; getting more looks at the town of Wayhaven sounds like it will be really interesting. Thank you for such a fun update this week. Please take care, and I hope you have the best weekend! &lt;3


Ooh, more peaks at the town! Also, absolutely can't wait for the rest of the spring scenarios!


Oh boy. I'm actually apprehensive about N's special. Hope MC can make things easier for them. ... Also of course M's special is called "Soaked through", because why wouldn't it.😆


…. Is…. Is the MC….. sleeping in F’s bed??? 👀💦💦 Also I see you putting N’s scenario last! That was the one I was most curious about when thunder storm was voted on!!


Oooh I can't wait! I didn't read Felix's special yesterday so that I could read it peacefully today in my evening free time UwU


Can't wait to see M's and N's scenes......... Especially M's lol 😆


I can't wait to read Nate's tbh, I love his calm and collected demeanour but those few moments where he actually shows that there's some really strong undercurrents below the surface, those are my favourite. I always feel like he's putting in some serious effort trying to maintain this perfect façade, but every time it starts to crack I go 🔍👀👀👀👀


Whee! M's scene is this week! It's even worth losing the standing $50 bet I have with my husband that M is always last, lol (I've won far more than I've lost but am more than happy to lose when it means getting M content sooner!). I can't wait for Thursday... and it's crit role day, so double awesome!