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The pants are a bit tighter than intended, but then I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised considering Tina bought me the outfit to wear to her Halloween party. Her idea of a Halloween costume has always been of the barely-fitting variety.

Twisting the top of the black pleather trousers as far up as they’ll go around my hips, I begin stuffing my white shirt into the hem, the flamboyant, lacy sleeves not exactly helping with the task. I may look like a vampire from gothic fiction, but I bet they didn’t have anywhere near the same issue with dressing as I’m struggling through.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” I call as I manage to wriggle the last bit of material beneath the zip. “It’s going to be fun.”

‘Going to be fun’ translating to ‘I don’t want to go alone’ in this case…I just don’t admit that aloud.

A groan resounds from my bedroom as I add the final touches to my costume in my bathroom.

“How many people are going?” Mason shouts in return so as I can hear him through the door.

I pause and shrug, not that he can see it. “The whole town probably. Tina always gives an open invitation to her parties.”

“Then that’s a big no from me,” he replies.

“Ok. As long as you’re sure….” I drag the word out in some vain hope he’ll relent, but—unsurprisingly—he doesn’t.

Leaning over the sink to get closer to the mirror, I try to dribble some of the fake blood from my lips but flinch away as the droplets almost stain my shirt. After spending this long putting it on, there’s no way I’m ruining it now and changing all over again.

I release a groan and then glance at the door.

Trudging my way out, my eyes fall on Mason laid casually on my bed, his ankles crossed, and his eyes closed.

“Would you help me with this stupid stuff, please?” I plead, holding up the small plastic vial.

His eyes flicker open, and I notice his pupils immediately dilate when they land on me.

I fidget on the spot, the low cut to the ruffled shirt falling open a little further. “I didn’t choose the outfit.”

“Then tell me who did so I can thank them,” Mason replies with a lazy smile, easing himself off the bed and sauntering towards me in a way that makes me wish I was suddenly not wearing anything at all.

I shake my head to rid the thought. “Will you help?”

He manages to force his gaze up from my body to my eyes. “What do you need?”

“I have to have a dribble of blood.” I smirk. “You know, like all vampires do.”

He cocks his head and sucks at his lower lip with a frown before sighing. “Fine.”

He takes the vial and steps as close as our bodies will allow, gazing at me with dark, stormy eyes. “You know, there wouldn’t be a dribble. It would be more of a stain across your entire lips.”

“I don’t think anyone cares about authenticity for Halloween,” I scoff.

“Well, I do,” he purrs.

So I give a nod, apparently wholly enraptured and willing to agree to anything he says when he looks at me like that. He then drops some of the liquid onto his thumb before smearing it slowly across my bottom lip.

“How do I look?” I croak out, my throat dry from the heat simmering between us.

“It’s not quite enough.”

My eyes flutter closed when he kisses me. His lips press hard but smooth, my hands tangling in his hair to deepen the kiss when he arches his body against mine. My nerves flurry with small explosions, triggered with every touch of his fingers against my body and continue to fizzle through me for what feels an euphoric eternity.

When he pulls away, I have to drag in a lungful of air to regain my focus.

He smiles and rubs his thumb once again across my lips. “Much better.” Then his face contorts as he licks at his mouth. “That stuff tastes disgusting.”

I chuckle. “Well, I don’t imagine the makers thought people would be smearing it over each other with their mouths.”

He lets me go, and I feel an immediate loss without him against me.

“Have fun, sweetheart/handsome,” he calls with a wave before leaving.

And I realise I now have to go through an entire evening with that kiss firmly burned into my mind.


(I know it was supposed to be A's today, but I completely changed my mind on their scenario so am going to rewrite it! So I swapped these around as a very last minute change today!

Hope you enjoyed M's though, hehe! ;D )




brb I will now combust


Did I login and see that the special was M's and then drop everything to read it? Yes, yes I did. Was it worth dropping everything to read my love being all about authenticity and just being them? Yes, yes it was. Great job as always and I just...I want M so bad and I just...pls excuse me while I go day dream I guess?