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“So, what is it?” Felix asks, eyes wide and sparkling with curiosity.

A small ache stirs in my chest that I don’t get to feel the magical wonder that comes with Christmas anymore…though watching his awe is starting to give me a buzz of anticipation, so maybe I do get to experience it, after all.

His fingers caress the neatly wrapped package, fiddling with the large, tulle bow on top, before turning the tag over in his grip. “It says it’s for me.”

“You’ll have to wait and find out,” I say, crouching down beside him to take the present and push it back under the enormous tree which takes up half of the living room. Its bristly branches are dripping with expensive ornaments and décor that’s probably worth more than the Christmas window display at Tiffany’s.

Felix and I got to choose the tree—obviously the largest one we could find—and Nat got to decorate it. That was the deal.

To be honest, it looks stunning, if a little staged for my taste.

I shift my focus back to Felix, whose fingers are snaking back towards the present.

I chuckle and place my hand in his to stop the temptation. “It’s only a couple of days until Christmas, then you can find out.”

He smacks his lips together with a frown. “I just want to know. We’ve never done Christmas together before. I didn’t even really know what Christmas was until a few years ago!” He beams a smile. “And now we get to experience it together.”

The sheer and utter joy that lights every part of his face warms my soul.

“Plus, it’s from Nat,” he says, nodding at the large gift. “And I want to see what she thinks I like.” A mischievous twinkle glitters in his eyes brighter than the fairy lights that glimmer on the tree.

I eye the gift nearby ,that has my own name scrawled in cursive across the tag, and wince. “Whatever it is…I think it’s going to be expensive.” My own budget was not exactly flush.

“Who cares how much it cost? I thought the point was that people give you stuff you’d like?” he asks, a sudden uncertainty stemming the enthusiasm on his expression.

“It is—“

He nuzzles closer to me with a smile. “Then don’t worry so much.” He kisses my cheek before shifting closer to the tree and the presents stacked beneath. “I can’t wait until you see what I got you.”

“Oh?” My interest piqued, I sit cross-legged on the floor beside him and lean closer. “What did you get me?”

He angles forward to close the gap, the sweetness of his breath on my lips making them tingle with delicious anticipation. His amber eyes drop to my mouth, and I let out a small sigh of wanting.

He meets my eye again and bops a finger on the tip of my nose. “It’s only a couple of days until Christmas, then you can find out.” His impression of me is surprisingly good and draws an instant laugh from me.

“Do I get anything in the meantime?” I ask.

He swings an arm around my shoulders to tug me close. “Babe, you get me all year round. That’s a gift in anyone’s books.”

My mouth opens to make a comment…but he has a point. I’ve never been happier than when I’m with him, and I don’t think anything could top it.

“You’re completely right,” I reply, finally sampling that kiss as I peck him on the lips.

The gift under the tree seems all but forgotten in favour of what I might offer. His eyes darken as he shifts over the rug closer, trailing a finger down my arm, and then leaning close enough that I can almost feel the desire emanating from him.

“Are you just trying to distract me?” he mumbles as he kisses the curve of my neck.

I let out a breath of a moan. “Is it working?”

“You have no idea how much,” he replies, pushing me back and sliding up the length of my body, his lips finding the sensitive skin at the hollow of my throat once again. “Though it’s only a couple of days until Christmas, maybe I should make you wait.”

I twist us around suddenly so as I’m on top, gazing into his eyes with a half-smile. “You really want to wait?”

He grins. “Nah.” He tugs me down until we’re lost in a kiss that beats any present I may get in a couple of days…




“Babe, you get me all year round. That’s a gift in anyone’s books.” YOU’RE DARN RIGHT!!! ❤️❤️❤️ F IS THE GREATEST GIFT


I just, love Felix a lot, I have come back to read this several times now 🥺