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The Square is incredibly quiet. Though that shouldn't be a surprise on a winter's day like this. Frost sits as thick as snow on the cobblestones and grass in a blanket of white that sparkles in the low mid-afternoon sun.

Nat and I stand in the doorway of a shop waiting for the others to meet up with us. The cover of the doorway provides little protection from the cold, and I shift on the spot to keep the feeling in my toes as they begin to freeze into ice blocks inside my boots.

"Well, aren't you particularly festive," Nat says with a gentle smile.

I stare at her with a frown, though I'm not sure she can see the expression behind the thick scarf and turned-up coat collar I have bunched up around my neck and lower half of my face. "Do I?" The words are muffled beneath the layers around my mouth.

She chuckles and then bops her finger against the tip of my nose. I barely feel it with how numb it's become.

"You're looking like a Christmas present all bundled up like that."

I purse my lips. "Thanks."

She laughs a little louder. "I don't even need to see your mouth to know you're pouting."

"You can't possibly know that," I shoot back.

Her fingers wrap around my scarf and push it down far enough to see my lips…which are indeed pouted.

A smirk grows on her own lips that suddenly fends off the chill of the winter's day. "It's very…endearing."

I smile back. "I feel like endearing isn't what you were going to say."

"It wasn't." Her hand moves from my scarf to settle on my cheek. Her skin is ice cold against my already numbed cheek, but a heat spurs beneath her touch that makes my breath catch.

"Oh! Look at you two," a sudden voice exclaims. We both look to the side to see an older couple staring at us with big smiles. The man raises his walking cane to gesture above us. "You're under the mistletoe."

The old woman leans into the man and gives a grin. "Didn't look like they needed mistletoe to get closer."

Nat gives a nervous choke of laughter and runs a hand over her hair.

"Well, go on then," the old man prompts. "You've got to kiss now."

Nat looks back at me with another smile growing like the flicker of flames. "I guess if they insist, we have no choice."

Her arm slides around me to tug me closer, and I take a shuddered breath to keep myself standing as she leans her head towards mine. Her long eyelashes flutter against her cheeks as her eyes close in anticipation.

The cold of the day is quickly and completely gone.


Merry Christmas! 

Hope everyone is staying warm and cosy <3



Also that elderly couple are the real mvps here


This is a really late comment but this stuff isn't canon right?