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thought I'd do some sketching




Butt lol


Uhhhh I see some new drawing styles emerge. Earlier you where saying you need to learn the right anatomy of certain body parts to be able to use them in your simplified style. This sketch certainly looks like you manage to finish that task. I really like it. Is she going to be a new character or is she just a doodle?


Also who is that YouTube or Twitter page peeking around the butt there?


I’m oofing :)


Patreonus, that's a discord profile, don't know what it is though.

Patrik Hjorth

Skulls, knives, tits and arse. I see we share many interests.

Turbo Beef

This man has 10,000+ patrons and probably makes hella bank every month...and the most we get are some tiddy and skeleton sketches? Respect. Worth it. In all honesty though, I wonder when we're gonna see a fully fledged hentai video of Nila or any other characters. Like a full 30 minute+ video. I'm really surprised Telepurte hasn't made something like that yet because it would PROFIT, lemme tell ya. I'd buy the shit out of that. He's gotta have something up his sleeve...Right?


How u learn to draw?


Woah there idk about 30 minutes but i wouldn't mind like a 20 second clip


He subscribed to the Telepurte channel and watched all the videos.


Man has a lot on his plate so I wouldn’t expect too much out of him, his daily uploads have already been so Insane and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s feeling burnt out

Gavin Fox

Anyone gotten their Nila plush yet??


Does anyone else see the random Discord name?