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I'm going to try something in an effort to gain more followers. I have been resistant to doing fanart in the past because I didn't want to get stuck in a rut of constant fan art and not enough time to do my own work. 

So I figured If I did a few pieces here and there I might be able to get the attention of new patrons. On top of that I think giving everyone a vote would encourage more engagement.

So this first poll is a kind of proof of concept. I'm going to pick so options and you can vote on them. After this, I'm going to give you guys the option to suggest character based off of a topic I select. 

Example: I say give suggestions for a Superhero>You list any of them>I pick the top 5>then you guys vote>the winner gets drawn.

this first one is just going to be the voting part. So no need to give suggestions this round, I just want to see your vote. I'll do a proper on December 1st



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