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After much consideration, I've decided to drastically alter the way I use my Patreon.

Basically due to a mistake  Patreon won't send me tax information because I made less than $20,000 in 2015 and this has greatly damaged my plans for getting a new place. To be fair, this isn't the first time Patreon and I have butt heads.

So instead of closing the whole thing I've decided to dedicate Patreon solely to Room 351 and it's overall production.  On top of that I've reduced the tiers down to two options, $1 and $5. 

$1 for those who just want to support

$5 for those who want to see the extra sketches, page layouts, concepts (character or otherwise) and anything else comic-related.

pretty simple.

I still am working to catch up on the owed pieces from before, some good news is rent got taken care of so I actually have time to catch up this time 'round. Thank you all for your continued patience.



Been hearing quite a few people complaining how Patreon does business lately. Sorry to hear it happened to you, too.


Well I can understand your decision to modify your Patreon tiers, but just to be sure, do $1 patrons still get to see the comic? Or would we have to pledge at the $5 level in order to see the comic as it comes out? :? Anyway, the best of luck to your newest venture and I hope you're doing well. :)