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 Well these are feelings I've struggled with my entire life. If you're like me then it's a struggle just to get out of bed in the mornings and you'll sometimes (most of the times) stay in bed for 3-4 hour hours before getting out. Trust me, I know that pain. Your mind goes back to every mistake you've ever made in life and you often use that feeling to degrade and berate yourself.

"Way to say the wrong thing to her, now she'll hate you forever!"

"All you had to do was nod and agree, now you've said too much and they all thing you're weird."

"You never make friends because you're too much of a spaz."

"No one will ever love you because you're too needy, creepy, ugly, et cetera."

"You like furry art and no will like you because of that."

Again, I know the feeling very well. it''s been my life ever since I was aware of myself.


There is a way out. I'm going to tell you how. Are you ready? Here's the secret.

You have to want to change.

You have to want to change enough to change your routine. I'm not saying anything drastic, start small and work your way up. If you slouch, straighten your back every time you're aware of it. Go for walks around the block. get a a morning, night, and cleaning routine. eat 3 meals a day. You'd be surprised how well you'll start feeling just by doing stuff like that.

If you're like me and feel doughy and out of shape, You can buy dumbbells and exercise right there at home. A big myth about working out is that it takes years to get a good-looking body. in reality  You can drop weight, build muscle, and look fit in 6-12 weeks with consistent workouts and proper eating (I'm going to start documenting my progress on my Instagram). By "Proper eating" I don't mean dropping all fatty (good) foods, I mean lowering your portions. For instance, When I  ate sandwiches I would always make 2 and add sides to it, Sodas, Chips, or 1-2 bowls of ramen, et cetera. If I lower it to 1 sandwich, a handful of chips, and juice instead of soda not only do i help myself get fit I also save money on groceries. Little adjustments like that can go a long way. I should also add that it's ok if you misstep just as long as you get started again.

As for those of us who are socially awkward, talking to people and making friends is the mental equivalent to scaling Mt. Everest. It seems impossible, but it's been done before. If you're like me then you tend to blame yourself if things don't go like you thought they should. Maybe you smiled and waved at a coworker and they didn't respond. Or you told a joke and no one laughed, or you goofed up a sentence and your associates laughed at what you did. Don't feel bad. This isn't the movies they're not all against you. Truth be told, they're probably just like you and trying to get through their day with minimal issues. So don't feel bad. I know it's hard and you will sometimes feel like you have to fight not to feel bad, but you'll be better off for it. As for starting conversations and making friends What I've discovered is, not to talk about yourself unless asked, ask people their opinions, listen to said opinions, and not be afraid to politely disagree. I know it feel like times are tense these days but people respect those they feel they can talk to.

But everything I just said means absolutely nothing to you if you yourself don't want to change.

If you fight taking the action is too difficult then start by just saying, "I'm going to be better." and eventually you'll start to feel it.

I hope this has helped some of you and I wish you good luck and good mental health.



I relate to this on so many levels, especially finding the desire to change. I’m tempted to move my phone across the room. That way I have to get up instead of laying in bed on my phone for an hour. Good luck with the exercise routine. I might take a look from time to time.


just a little bit of help having gone through the same thing because of blood pressure issues...I would strongly suggest water...drink nothing but water. better for you and you don't get all the sugars that are added to fruit juices. Its still OK to have a surgery drink every once in a while as a treat but the less sugar you consume you will find that even low sugar items become too sweet!... Also READ the labels on what you eat anything with more then 13% daily sugar intake is not that good for you, in addition to other things such as carbs, fiber, mono and poly unsaturated fats. (Get your Omega 3 and 6 they are good for you) I went to a dietician to deal with my food issues...me I LOVE fast food, burgers and fries are my weakness (and still are)...I am by NO means and expert but I had to get my weight down because of high blood pressure (which runs in my family)