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Here's the rather untidy plan I made before filming the Flintstones video a couple of weeks ago. As all the videos are single takes, I have to remember in advance which specific words to shout out at times where faces differ from each other – and also which subdivision of the beat to hit in the pyramid bits. In that wacko vocal crazy run at 0:46, for example, all the words "come meet the Flintstones they're the modern stone age fam'ly from the town" are sung, but only by one person at once, so they're all scattered around. This meant choreographing these sections in advance and a bunch of memorising, which is a real challenge and something I absolutely love to do. Face 3 on the top left, for example, sings "come meet" and "age".

I'm pretty sure I deviated from this plan at certain points with regard to other sections (mistakes are fun), which meant that I needed to rethink some things after writing all this down. Thought you might like to take a look though! :-)



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