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War is scary.



James Marquardt

Love. It Fortifies you. even in the face of War. . & Loss.

James Marquardt

Those that face the Possiblity of Loss. . Because it is a Scary, possible future. Reassurance. Trust& Faith is your Spouse. Managing to slay your Doubt(s) in reguards too eachother. .

James Marquardt

Military folk. (& Orhers). Need such things. It makes Surival... Alittle bit more... Simple..(?)... It makes it more like; um.. an exercise in Follow- Through.


Plz plz plz let em be a couple and both stay alive in the future. I imagine they will eventually change the relationship between wolves and dragons, so plz allow them both to be nice and sound *concerning*



James Michael

Just tell Vlagg that you love him, Gerv.