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Me sitting here with my tub of popcorn, waiting to see what happens next


Please were Wolf Gervic PLEASE Werewolf beast Gervic!!!

James Marquardt

I cant in goon conscience drop a <3 on this panel


Gonna say he has more female traits

James Michael

Uh-oh. Just what kind of surprise is Vlagg in for?


Huh, did he turn more dragon? Or did he just become a giant muscle bound?


…….well crap.

Ed Haynes

.............................................Gervic is more of a Dragon now, isn't he?


I don’t think so, cuz the doctor guy said the potion boost his masculine side and suppress his feminine side. And he had to stop taking them so his body wouldn’t go into overdrive. That being said maybe he’s extra buff now😩

Gabriela Ilyková

Well, whatever the surprise is, I hope Vlagg will demand explanation from Gervic, and after receiving it, that he will yell at Gervic, telling him he is an arrogant idiot, destroying himself by making everything about himself, because that's exactly what Gervic needs to hear right now!


I hope he's more of a werewolf-dragon hybrid now... Thirsting aside, hopefully Gerv's drastic measures aren't gonna cause a rift between him and Vlagg. I'm gonna be very sad if it does.


I’m exited for the reveal of what happened