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Poor Vlagg. He looks so tired with all the shit that's been going on.




OMG! He's fine! Thank goodness! 😭💕


I anticipated Gervic's Chimerism to be more advanced.


Thank God gervic survived i’m really glad for him 😭🤧😘


Hoping things will settle down. Everyone needs a fucking break Too many shits going on. 😩


Also, not so subtle side boob meme in the second panel.

Doomspud Roflcopter

I think Bob's clan will be a lot more understanding when they realized that the man who killed their kinsman did so because Bob was a fucking war criminal who got off on torturing the poor sop


I didn't notice! 🤣 I'm more focused on the story. Haha


Glad Gervic is ok. I was surprised he was able to take all those hits even with the adrenaline. On the flip side I am very worried about Vlagg's side of things. What he said in that last frame spells out all my worries. I do hope that all goes well on his end. He really does look out of it on that last frame.


well i am sure by now it sounds like a broken record but agree we all glad Gervic is safe and well but concerned about the future not only am i worried about what Vlagg brought up, i am also concerned those what those people are planning thats spying on the castle i hope this chapter will shed some light on the subject


Hmmm tbh I can think of maybe only one situation that Vlagg and Gervic can get out of the situation they are in with Vlagg and bobs clan. Pretty much Vlagg and Gervic have kids so it makes Vlagg‘a clan happy and claim self defense for bobs clan because Bob attacked Vlagg’s ‘mate’. Thus meaning everything is more than justified and not just that Bob did a serious war crime. I personally can’t think of anything about how to get out of their situation with the other faction trying to get the stone back that doesn’t exists anymore.


Vlagg officially announcing that Gervic is his mate is just political suicide at this point.


Haha I just noticed that. Also I did drew G and V in that meme on my Twitter a while ago.


War criminal isn't exactly a thing in medieval times you know.


He is thinking:"Gervic, I like you and all but please don't go around killing dragons again."

Doomspud Roflcopter

No, vju, but chivalry was a thing. Honor was a thing. To take your defeated foe and torture him for an entire year, that shows a total lack of honor. Death happens in war. It does not and can never justify cruelty and sadism.