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Hello Patrons! Thank you for supporting me!
I've already informed some of you of the coming changes, but this is the formal post about it plus more:

-Fiery Showdown Tier (13$) won't exist anymore

-All previous Fiery Showdown rewards will now be offered to Spicy Adventure (7$) Patrons

-Spicy Adventure's price WILL BE RAISED from 7$ to 8$

-Sweet Breeze (3$) Patrons will now be able to vote on Polls

-Tiers might also change names, just remember there will now be a 3$ and a 8$ tier

-The change will happen on the 20th

Next paragraph is crucial for current 7$ and 13$ dollar pledgers:

When the change happens, 7$ and 13$ Patrons will be put automatically in NO BENEFITS PATRONS. This means that to be able to continue to have your benefits you will have to MANUALLY CHANGE YOUR TIER to whichever you prefer.

Please refer to this page https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-do-I-edit-my-membership- if you have any doubts on how to do it

I hope this is all clear, but if you have any doubts please comment!

Thank you!


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