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Far above the little man, the girl's voice echoed towards him, whose intention could not be clearer. Despite its cautious tone, it resounded over any of his senses of perception. But what really made him shudder was her message.

Escape? How could he, with his diminutive size, even hope in the slightest that he could escape her? But hope for mercy seemed just as unlikely to him. He had already watched several times how the gigantic girl had crushed his fellow victims under her feet.

So he had no choice but to run away, no matter how futile it seemed.




God yes, I love this shot. I hope he ends up spending a long time between her toes being slowly crushed I see what looks like a small patch if white near the edge or her foot? Does she have callouses? I've always been a big fan of rougher soles


Glad you like it ^^ Yes, they are a bit more rough since she's walking around in those sandals the whole day.