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Nathan's pathetic protest against Alice died away momentarily as her whole body moved slowly. No matter what he did, every little change in the world illustrated to him how incredibly insignificant he actually was.

With a plump bang, Alice's butt landed on the ground just a few meters in front of him. The view that presented itself to him was nothing less than breathtaking.

Alice: I got it! We're playing hide and seek. I'll count to 50 and you find a place where I can't find you. If you can stay hidden for 5 minutes, you win! Sounds fair, right?

She didn't even wait for his approval but started counting slowly and menacingly.

Alice: 1....2....3....




the fun continues. I really like this story. Alice's sadism is really very exciting


Breathtaking view, not only for Nathan!


I love this view so much