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If anyone has any idea species name ideas for them, I'd love to hear them <3 Preferably something fantasy sounding <:D I'll have them released sometime next month~

They'll be available in the $10 tier. Gonna make a few variations~ Ty so much everyone for your support <3 I wouldn't have the time to make things like this if it wasn't for you all! <3




Maybe the Ariyo

Frazzy 626

Will they be vrchat 3.0 enabled?


Avakins sounds like a apt description with that being the Genus. Leaving room for Species name and Sub Species names. I want to make a whole taxonomic chart for Hobkins. Its something ive had in my head for a while since a freind asked if they where canines or felines. My answer is neither (they are hobkins) but it put me down that path.


will hobkin be updated to avatar3.0?


Cute! For some reaon the name Aurakeet came to mind